🖥️AI Recycle Bin assistant

An AI agent which clears your recycle bin with a prompt ♻

Simplifying File Management

The core functionality of the assistant revolves around user interaction. Users can simply ask the assistant to perform one of three actions:

  1. Clear the Recycle Bin: This action triggers the assistant to permanently delete all files currently residing in the recycle bin.

  2. Recycle a Specific File: For more targeted cleaning, users can specify a file name. The assistant employs the search_file function to locate the file’s path within the system. Once located, the assistant initiates the recycle process.

  3. Recycle All Files: This action mimics the traditional “empty recycle bin” function, permanently removing all files without the need for individual selection.

Let's start with the tutorial!


We'll create an agent that can:

  1. Search for files in the recycle bin.

  2. Recycle (undelete) specific files or all files from the recycle bin.

  3. Clear the recycle bin.

We'll use the maccaw package to define this agent and a tool that interacts with the recycle bin using the winshell library.

Last updated